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Wholesale Partners

Doing Business with KYOCERA International, Inc.

Welcome to Kyocera International, Inc. (KII).  Kll is a committed to the highest integrity in all of its business dealings. Kll relies on its employees and business partners to consistently do the right thing as human beings and to conduct business fairly in compliance with our Corporate Motto, Management Rationale, and Code of Conduct.

KYOCERA Philosophy | Corporate Motto

“Respect the Divine and Love People” Preserve the spirit to work fairly and honorably, respecting people, our work, our company, and our global community.

Based on this motto, all of KII's suppliers and our employees who work with them are expected to conduct themselves with the highest standards of integrity and fairness and to always adhere to all applicable laws and to avoid any perception of impropriety or conflict of interest.

All of KIl's employees, business partners, and their employees must take a personal interest and responsibility for protecting Kil's reputation and good name. We are very happy that you are interested in doing business with Kyocera.

Management Rationale:  To provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our employees, and through our joint efforts, contribute to the advancement of society and humankind.

To learn more, visit: Supplier Standards and Policies